Bryan Dalgleish-Warburton Counselling
A personal approach to individual and group psychological therapies

Training and Organisational Development 

Bryan is trained and qualified to provide mindfulness based interventions, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy training and Compassionate Mind / Living training. He has also completed training to support the delivery of group therapy.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Bryan (Mindfully-Resilient) has delivered the 8 week MBCT course to a number of organisations. The training has many benefits for individuals who attend and wider benefits for organisations were the training is used to support staff well-being.

Benefits of MBCT:

Firstly mindfulness based cognitive therapy is recognised by NICE (The National Institute of Clinical Excellence) for depression and research evidence suggests that mindfulness (MBCT) can help prevent relapse by 43% (Mark et al, 2014). Other research shows similar improvements when using mindfulness to support people who experience anxiety (Surawy et al, 2014). Again similar findings are noted with the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (Hertenstein et al, 2012).

People who attend mindfulness based courses also report changes in focus, concentration, general wellbeing, self-compassion and memory recall. There is growing evidence to support the use of mindfulness based training in the reduction  of stress in employees (Morgan et al, 2014).

MBCT is provided in a group setting and is therefore cost effective for organisations. Mindfully-Resilient has provided this training in the afternoon / evening to enable employees to attend on site and therefore ensuring that the training is accessible and locally delivered.

What does MBCT do?

MBCT teaches group participants skills to help them to step back from unhelpful and habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and responding to life.  

What is involved in the training?

Group participants attend an 8 week training program. The course is usually provided in the evening and people attend for 2 hours each evening.

  • Participants experience a number of different mindfulness meditation exercises designed to encourage and enable safe and supported learning that can be transferred into life outside of the training.
  • Attendees will practice mindfulness training outside of the group for approximately 40 minutes a day.
  • People who attend the training will also learn how to acknowledge their thoughts and feelings without the need to respond habitually to them.
  • Group members will have the opportunity to learn from each other and discuss activities with the wider group supported by the tutor (therapist).

Bryan can provide MBCT courses for your staff to support your employee wellbeing strategy. If you would like to discuss practicalities and costs please contact him directly.

Resilience and Wellbeing:

Bryan has provided training in resilience and mental wellbeing to employees across a wide number of organisations.

His current training includes:

Increasing staff awareness about the causes and symptoms of stress

Introducing a conversational method of resilience and wellbeing planning that can be used by attendees or managers to speak about and plan for recovery and maintenance of wellbeing

Engaging attendees in a number of evidence based interventions to enhance coping, promote self-compassion and self-awareness.

Contact me in confidence on tel: 01772 782789, mob: 07595 917173 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.